Coordinating Opioid Network Needs with Expert Clinical Teams

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Fairfax for All!
On January 23rd, 2024 Fairfax City Council voted to amend the zoning code in Fairfax City to ensure equitable access to health and human services for people with disabilities, substance use disorder, mental illness, and other vulnerable conditions. For more information, follow the link below:

Grant Received!
Good News:
Our team, iCONNECT, was thrilled to be awarded a $5K VentureWell E-Team Grant after being accepted into their Pioneer early-stage innovator training program! Over the course of a 2-day entrepreneurship workshop in July 2023, we had the chance to collaborate with 22 other student innovator teams and discover the ideal implementation for our iCONNECT mobile app. Read more about the opportunity and our app here:
In The Press

Get to Know Us
*"Too often, academic research, especially in the STEM fields, can seem far removed from the daily realities of society. When we started the NSF-funded National Research Traineeship (NRT) program at the Center for Adaptive Systems of Brain Body Interactions at Mason, our vision was to provide our outstanding graduate students with an immersive experience in community-engaged user-centered problem solving to prepare them to address the pressing issues in society today. Our NRT trainees [at iCONNECT] worked closely with our wonderful community partners at the Chris Atwood Foundation and CASBBI faculty Holly Matto to #makeadifference."